

How Islamic people see world?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Islamic people, like most humans see the world using two eyes, located on the front of their head, also known as a 'face'.

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Usually it is the result of fear and bigotry. Some people see bad things in the world and attribute them to Islamic people. Some of that may come from the media. Then they lash out against the Islamic people they meet who are most likely not responsible for any of the actions that infuriate them.

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In every country or place you will find people that practice the Islamic religion, as it has widely spread thoughout the world.

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All over the world, Islam it the second religion in the world

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Jihadists, the people who believe that violence should be used to create an Islamic Theocracy, generally see the world in black and white, holding that their way of living and believing is the only proper way. Those who live or believe differently from them are to be hated, attacked, and subverted in order that their way of life, as God has ordained for them, becomes the way of life for all people in all places.

What is the number of people who are Islamic world wide?

There are approximately 1.3 billion Muslims all over the world.

What is the smallest Islamic country in the world?

The Republic of the Maldives is the smallest Islamic country in the world and the smallest country in the world. The population, as of October 2009, is 304,000 individuals out of them 98.4% are Muslims. See the related link for more information.

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How many followers of Islamic religion are there in the world?

Around 1.5 Billion people are Muslims.

When was World Islamic Mission created?

World Islamic Mission was created in 1972.

First Islamic country in World Cup?

There is no Islamic country in any world cup.