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They are, even though closer, suspected for the death of the king and run away. Macbeth holds the title Thane of Cowdor, so the throne naturally falls to him.

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Macbeth claimed the Scottish throne by committing regicide against King Duncan and manipulating the circumstances to his advantage. With Duncan dead, he seized power through force and cunning, using his position as the king's trusted advisor and the support of influential allies to solidify his claim.

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Q: How Macbeth has apparently managed to claim the scottish throne even though Malcolm and donalbain are closer relatives to the slain king dunkan?
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Who is donalbain in Macbeth?

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Donalbain and Malcolm are the sons of King Duncan in Shakespeare's play "Macbeth." They suspect that Macbeth is responsible for their father's murder. To ensure their safety, Donalbain flees to Ireland and Malcolm goes to England.

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No, in William Shakespeare's play "Macbeth," King Duncan does not bequeath his kingdom to Donalbain. Instead, Duncan is murdered by Macbeth, who then seizes the throne for himself.

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She is a character in William Shakespeare's play. She is apparently Scottish although the details of her birth are not mentioned.

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What is the name of kind Duncan's boy's name in the play Macbeth?

In Shakespeare's Macbeth, King Duncan had two sons, Malcolm and Donalbain. Donalbain leaves for Ireland in Act II and that's the last we hear of him. Malcolm ends up succeeding Macbeth.