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There is no number to fill in the blank with. If you are getting early first trimester medical abortions and being seen by an MD your chance of damage to your reproductive organs is slight.

If you have multiple late abortions you are playing a game of chance, like Russian Roulette. One day you may decide you want a baby and find yourself unable to conceive. Why not prevent the abortions by using reliable Birth Control.

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Q: How Many Abortions can you get before you have to have the baby?
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Did the Nazi invent abortions?

no abortions go back to the ancient Egyptians and probably before that. It was def around before the Nazis and many women died in backalley abortions.

Why do girls have abortions?

There are many factors that girls have abortions like: she can't afford the baby, she is pressured to, the girl can't stand putting the baby up for adoption, etc.

What are the fathers rights for abortions?

None. Legally he is not a father with right to the baby until the baby have left the woman's body and if they are not married he have to prove paternoty before he gets paternal rights.

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When does the baby have nerve endings?

Ten Weeks, this means woman who get abortions, their baby feels everything.

Is getting abortions a harm to the baby or parent?

Not to the woman but the embryo dies of course.

If both guys arent around and im preg by 1st or the 2nd what should you do Ive had 3 abortions total but 2 of them just 2008?

The guys aren't your answer just as the abortions were not the answer for you. You have had both guys and abortions and how did that work out for you? Please try adoption this time, there are many couple that have the means and desire to raise your baby and can give you help. Your local Crisis Pregnancy Centers can give you help. For you and your baby's sake, Choose life this time.

What type of teenage girls get abortions?

Girls that do not want to/can't afford to keep their baby.

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How many abortions are there per year in Connecticut?

The last statistics reported were from 2009. There were 13,651 abortions that year.

How many abortions can you have in Australia?

As many as you want (how many are you planning to have?)

How many days are you pregnant before you have the baby?

You are pregnant for 9 months before you have the baby.