

How Many Town named Lincoln?

Updated: 12/6/2022
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Q: How Many Town named Lincoln?
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How many states have a town or city named Lincoln?

127 schools named lincoln

How many towns are named after Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the US and he also helped to free the slaves. There are a few towns named after Lincoln. There is a town named Lincoln in Nebraksa, Illinois, and Oregon.

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The Lincoln tunnel was one of many things named after Abraham Lincoln in New York

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There are ( 8 fuel injectors ) on a 2001 Lincoln Town Car

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Currently, two states have a town named Xenia.

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There's a city in Maine and a town in Montana named Saco.

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The Lincoln Memorial was named for Abraham Lincoln

What state was named after your 16 president?

There are no states named for Abraham Lincoln but many towns and Cities bear his name including the Capital of Nebraska. Lincoln, Illinois was named for him even before he became President and there are many other tributes besides the Lincoln Memorial such as Lincoln automobiles, the ballistic missile submarine Abraham Lincoln (SSBN-602) and the carrier Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72).

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In my 1994 Lincoln Town Car Executive I get about 16 city and 21 highway.

How many gallons of gas does your 2010 Lincoln town car hold?

According to the 2010 Lincoln Town Car Owner Guide : ( 19.0 U.S. gallons )

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One town in Oklahoma