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Your best source of info about Earhart is a group called TIGHAR, which is, I think, at . I don't think Nazis had anything to do with it. She seems to have been a rookie at using radio, even shipped her vital telegraph key home "to save weight". Her radio had been modified, which undoubtedly lowered its range. When radio contact with Itasca became her only real hope of finding them, she simply couldn't make good contact.

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Q: How Nazis involved in Amelia Earhart's disappearance?
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What role Nazis took during Amelia Earhart's disappearance?

I believe she was shot down in retaliation for the hindenberg disaster in the U.S. Hitler was pissed about that and wanted personal revenge. Maybe she was taken prisoner or just shot down by a german fighter.

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That is correct. The Nazis wanted to establish a super race, and that also involved the extermination of all Jews.

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Yes. Although he involved his ministers and other Nazis to actually do it.

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Anyone in which the Nazis felt they "Needed" to put in there.

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alot of things happened on this day haha, germany nazis and that were involved ;)

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