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Q: How Politely ask someone not to do something?
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Ask her politely if she minds!

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if you ask politely?

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Ask someone who is (politely) or call up your local centre for the blind

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Don't beg, it is undignified. Just ask politely.

Is please be welcome a correct sentence?

Yes, it is typically a word that we use to politely ask someone to do something.

How do you ask someone you like to be your boyfriend or girlfriend?

Ask them politely, but give some humor in it, chicks dig funny dudes!

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You can't force someone to follow you on Twitter. You should ask them politely.

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You can't make someone follow you. You can only ask them politely.

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Ask someone to snapchat you back politely, but you can't make them do it.

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If you don't like the topic, leave,

What does the saying humor me mean?

"Humor me" is a phrase used to politely ask someone to indulge or entertain a request, idea, or suggestion. It implies a willingness to engage with something that may seem silly, unconventional, or out of the ordinary.

What do you do if someone ask for a sandwich?

If it's your friend or relatif and they ask nicely, get the sandwich! If it's a person that hardly likes you, bullie you or doesn't ask politely, say: "Get a sandwich yourself."