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he created something called the new deal. it provided jobs mostly in constrution of national parks roads things such as that. i believe the hoover damm is a one result of the deal. you can further research the deal for more info. hope i helped.

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Q: How Roosevelt lifted us economy out of depression?
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How did Frank D Roosevelt affect the US politically?

He improved the economy and got us out of the Great Depression.

What fearful situation was Franklin Delano Roosevelt referring to in his speech?

He was referring to the depression and the us economy.

Why was the United States' economy at such a low point when Franklin D. Roosevelt became president in 1933?

The US economy at such a low point when Franklin D. Roosevelt became president in 1933. This was as a result of the Great Depression which he hoped to fight.

The proper term describing the US economy after the depression is?

The proper term describing the US economy after the depression is recovery. The economy went up from where it was.

Who where some of the US leader during the Great Depression?

President Hoover (begining and was blamed for it.) president Theodor Roosevelt (Last part and honored for fixing the economy.)

What was part of Roosevelt's New Deal that tried to stimulate the US economy out of the Great Depression by giving Presidential powers to regulate businesses?

National Recovery Act

Which had the greatest influence on Franklin roosevelts victory in the 1932 presidential race?

For the most part Franklin D. Roosevelt won the election for president in 1932 because of the dire straits of the US economy. The sitting president, US President Hoover, was blamed for the depression. To many people Roosevelt was seen as the best hope to have the economy recover.

What president lead the US out of the depression?

Franklin D . Roosevelt

Who brought out the us from of the Great Depression?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt and World War II brought us out of the Great Depression.

What brought the us economy out of the great depression what brought the u.s. economy out of the great depression?

Mainly, it was World War II.

What period did the US economy collapse?

The Great Depression

Is the us economy in a depression in 2009?

The US economy is in recession, as people have less money to spend. It is not yet a depression in which the entire ecomomy collapses, but it could still happen later on.