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Q: How a person who is a role model can also be a health advocate?
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What do you call a person chosen to speak for others?

A prophet.

What does a peer advocate do in the mental health field?

A Peer Advocate works with mental health professionals to help a person suffering a mental illness, and their families, benefit from the services and programs available to them. The Peer Advocate is always a person who has been through their own mental illness and therefore is a more subjective contact for the person in need of services. Also, the Peer Advocate helps the mental health professionals streamline their approach to therapies by offering suggestions based on personal experience rather than clinical education. A career in Peer Advocacy is an entry-level career position, but one must complete a training course, and be certified, through their local MHD.

What is an advocate?

The noun 'advocate' is a word for someone who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy; a word for someone who pleads the cause of another in a court of law; a word for a person. The word 'advocate' is also a verb: advocate, advocates, advocating, advocated.

How does health appraisal done?

Health Appraisal is done by testing the medical condition of a person having a difficulties in his/her health. It is also done by gathering information of a person.

What do you think of Atticus as a person?

Atticus is a deep thinker. He doesn't share all his thoughts, but when he does, he speaks wisely. He is also a profound advocate of justice and equality, of standing in another person's skin.

What is physical health in the 5 aspects of health?

Physical Health is the general condition of a person in all aspects. It is also a level of functional and/or metabolic efficiency of an organism.

What are the best online health insurances?

"One of the best places to look for online health insurance is Ehealth Insurance. Ehealth promises its customers that Ehealth will be their advocate, will have the best prices, and will offer the largest selection of health insurance products. They offer the basics on a variety of plans. They also provide support 24/7."

What is an absence of disease?

Most people would say that an absence of disease is "health". However, there are many conditions that are not "diseases" and so, a person may have a "condition" that affects the person's "health". There are also disabilities that are technically not "diseases" but the disability affects the person's health and well-being.

Features of biomedical model?

Some features of the biomedical model of health are specialist medical services are valued highly, scientific methodology is highly valued in research, and health services are geared towards the treating of the sick. Also there is the absence of disease and that health is based on the understanding of how diseases arise.

What are the duties and responsibilities of school health appraisal?

School health appraisal typically involves assessing the overall health status of students through physical exams, medical history reviews, vision and hearing screenings, and immunization assessments. The main duties include identifying health issues, providing referrals for further evaluation or treatment, promoting healthy behaviors, and supporting the overall well-being of students in the school setting.

What do you mean by a sketch?

A life sketch is a drawing of a person using a live model. It can also be a short biography about a person.

How can a person get information about Cigna Health?

Cigna Health can be contacted by telephone for information. They also have a comprehensive website with details of many aspects of Cigna Health and this can be viewed online.