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Q: How about the various monuments in the movie National Treasure that had clues on them pointing to where the treasure was. Are those maps actually real?
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In Treasure Island what was the pointer to the treasure?

The compass pointing to the treasure was a dead body, one of the men that Flint killed when he originally came to the island to bury the treasure.

Do monuments point at anything in space?

I assume you mean monuments on Earth. The earth rotates on its axis, and revolves around the sun, so a point on the earth will never be "pointing" at the same thing in space. Imagine if you stood in the street and pointed at the sun, then didn't move your finger. If you stayed there all day, eventually you wouldn't be pointing at the sun at all. That is because the Earth is rotating (though to us it looks like the sun is moving across the sky).

Where is the statue of Saradomin pointing in Runescape?

It's pointing to a cross made by mud in the park of Faldor (you can see the cross on mini map). Go to the center of the cross and dig it with a spade (just buy one from Grand Exchange) to find the pirates treasure.

What does it mean if a guy points at you?

Nothing in particular - he could have been talking about you and pointed you out to whomever it was to show you to them, he could be just pointing to bother you, he could have actually been pointing in your direction and it actually had nothing to do with you. I wouldn't read too much into it.

Is it legal to kill a man when he is pointing a gun at you?

Actually, it is legal to kill a man when he is pointing a gun at you because it is considered self defense. You may be sued but it is considered legal.

Do bananas grow up or down?

They grow down from trees. ----They actually grow pointing upwards

What direction do you wear a pear shaped ring?

Actually, you are suppose to wear it pointing towards your heart and not towards your nails. I was told that pointing towards your heart is the "correct" way of wearing a pear shaped ring when I was in Cartier. But you can choose to wear it pointing any way you like.

How long should brick pointing last?

When completed properly, brick pointing should last up to 30 years. When done incorrectly, it can actually result in irreparable damage to the masonry units.

Where are the jokers in mcworld?

petsylvannia, lavapalooza, sunken treasure cove and uptown that all i know u have to find last one. The CHIKN found it, go to the game dome and click on the game arrow, it's pointing the wrong way.

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The shape of the maple leaf is a 3 point leaf facing upward. 1 pointing left up 1 pointing straight and one pointing up right

When was Pointing Up created?

Pointing Up was created in 1982.

When was Pointing the Finger created?

Pointing the Finger was created in 1981.