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If you do not remember the date of your last period you can have an ultrasound to determine your due date. More than one ultrasound throughout your pregnancy may be required because ultrasounds are not always accurate. They could be out as little as a couple of days by a matter of weeks.

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Q: How accurate is an ultrasound if you do not remember your period?
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How far along you are you?

On average you can work this out as the number of weeks from the beginning of your last period. If you don't know or can't remember or your periods are irregular an ultrasound is quite accurate.

Can your last menstrual period show twenty three weeks but your ultrasound show twenty seven weeks which is more accurate?

ultrasound is more accurate. Measurments of the fetus are made during ultasound that give a more accurate gestational age

Had an ultrasound yesterday. LMP was Nov 2 so you should be 7 weeks The ultrasound only showed you being 5 weeks pregnant you are going back next week for another ultrasound Should you be worried?

You have two due accourding to your last period and one accourding to the size of the child on the ultrasound...i think the ultrasound one is more accurate

How accurate is the ultrasound due date?

They are accurate within 2 or 3 days. But this does not mean that you will have the baby on your due date. Babies can be born any time between 37 and 42 weeks. That is what midwives are taught anyway. With my first my ultrasound said I was due 10 days after my period date but my husband had been away on a trip form the day after conception! Second time around the ultrasound agreed completely, and showed twins. (now 16) == Your last known period date or the date of conception is a better all babies are different & you may have an extrememly large or an extremely small baby for it's gestational age, and when compared against babies in the "norm" the due date could be way off.

Can a ultrasound be accurate if its saying im now due 3 weeks later then they determined?

Can a ultrasound be accurate if its saying im now due 3 weeks later then they determined?

Your doctor says that an us is more accurate than lmp because a lot of woman don't remember their lmp and that you could ovulate at different times how true is this?

Women have cycles that are not all the same length but most women ovulate 14 days before a period is due. That is what makes the difference. At 7 weeks ultrasounds are accurate to within 3 days. At 20 weeks they are accurate within 5 days When I had my first pregnancy my cycle was 36 days which would mean my EDD would be 8 days early if my LMP was used, my US agreed with my cycle not my LMP. When I had my second pregnancy my cycle was 28 days and my ultrasound agreed with my LMP. So you are saying that the ultrasound is more accurate? Yes, the ultrasound is more accurate. I did go round the houses a bit to say it.

Is an ultrasound in the 4-6th week of pregnancy the most accurate?

You ussally dont get a ultrasound till 4 mounths

Are ultrasounds accurate when you do remember your last period?

Yes, I remember my last cycle and I estimated my own due date to be Aug.8 well when I had my ultra sound it said Aug.5 so if not very accurate its very close... Good luck.

Dear Madam/Sir: Could you tell me how accurate are ultraounds of the prostrate The ultrasound of my prostrate did not show any presence of cancer. What percentage accuracy are these results Can I depend on ultrasound resultsThank-You.Yours Truly, Robert?

They are about 80% accurate.

How does an ultrasound detect when your last period was?

An ultrasound does not detect when your last period was. An ultrasound measures the size of your baby compared with the millions of others that have been scanned and gives an estimated date of delivery. Up to about 20 weeks of pregnancy all babies are about the same size. After that the size of the baby depends more and more on genetics and nutrition. Counting back 40 weeks from the estimated date of delivery gives an indication of when the last period might have been.

I had two period in april lmp was april 27 i got an ultrasound scan and it said i was due jan 27 is that accurate?

If you have went to the doctor and they gave you a due date then it is right. They go off what you tell them.

Can the calculation done from an ultrasound report and the one made from your last menstrual period differ as much as 1 week?

Yes, if you have a long cycle they can differ. In my first pregnancy my last period was December 17th which made my due date 23rd September. My ultrasound (at 18 weeks) gave a date of October 4th. I had a 36 day cycle. 3 years later my cycle was 28 days and my ultrasound was spot on. An early ultrasound, around 6-7 weeks is extremely accurate. The later in pregnancy it is done the greater the variation as babies are all different sizes.