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"Advertising often sells a great deal more than products. It sells values, images, and concepts of love and sexuality, romance, success, and perhaps more important, normalcy. To a great extent, it tells us who we are and who we should be."

- Jean Kilbourne

And just like any other good ad, people would want what is being promoted.

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Q: How advertising create emotional needs?
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What is emotional advertising?

Emotional advertising shows the target audience the benefits of the product or service through drama and relies on them being so involved with the characters and finding the story so relevant that it will hit an emotional chord.Emotional advertising is much more indirect in its persuasion. These form of advertisements provides a platform for the business to connect with the prospective customers and making it on the bigger stage

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Advertising creates needs or wants in a world where the basic human needs have not been met for most human beings.

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Definition of advertising appeal?

The particular approach, based on rational or emotional arguments, which seeks to develop a direct link between the product or service and the consumer's needs or wants.

How did advertising create?

Advertising changed the way people viewed products, making them more desirable.

Do marketeers create needs?

They do not create needs, but moreso create wants

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Advertising changed the way people viewed products, making them more desirable.

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