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Pay attention to local weather alerts. If the possibility of severe weather is mentioned for your area, keep a battery-powered weather radio handy. Local news stations will usually give weather forecasts a few times a day. You can also see all active weather alerts in the US by going to the National Weather Service website.

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6mo ago

You should remain highly alert and vigilant during a tornado. Pay close attention to weather alerts, listen to local authorities, and take shelter immediately in a safe location such as a basement or storm cellar. Stay away from windows and doors, and cover yourself with a mattress or heavy blankets for added protection.

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Q: How alert should you be to be safe from a tornado?
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What is higher alert tornado warning or watch?

A tornado warning is a higher level of alert, often meaning that a tornado has formed.

How to be safe in a tornado?

u should be somwhere he ground so u can be safe

Where in a mobile home can you be safe from a tornado?

You should not be in a mobile home if there is a tornado coming. Mobile homes are very susceptible to tornado damage and should be abandoned for sturdier shelter during a tornado warning.

What is a tornado alert?

When there are signs of an oncoming tornado and the people are warning you\alerting you about it, to be prepared.

What should you look for if a tornado is coming?

I'd be looking for safe shelter.

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An employer should always be alert to anything that might harm the employees, so that they will remain safe and healthy.

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anywhere that it has alot of space and it feels safe yet alert

What do you need to stay safe during a fire tornado?

A "fire tornado" is not a true tornado but a whirlwind spawned by an intense fire. If such a fire is approaching the area where you live you should evacuate immediately.

What does the word tornado safe area mean?

There are saferooms, more often called storm shelters. These are reinforced or underground rooms that are designed to keep people safe during a tornado. Ideally, one should be able to withstand an EF4 and perhaps an EF5 tornado.

What is the most important thing for you to do if there is a tornado watch?

During a tornado watch you should stay alert. Pay attention to broadcasts and advisories for if a tornado warning is issued, especially if there is a thunderstorm in your area. A tornado watch means that conditions are favorable for tornadoes to form, but the threat is not immediate. A tornado warning means that a tornado has been spotted or detected, or there is an immediate threat of one forming.

Is it safe to hide in a ditch during a tornado?

To some degree. You should only take cover in a ditch from a tornado as a last resort if no shelter is available.

Where should you go outside when a tornado occurs?

You should not even need to go outside during a tornado. Let's say you forgot something outside and a tornado is there. Should you go out? NO! Because it is very scary to go outside during a tornado. But you should gather your family together, and then go in a basement or closet. Try to keep safe.