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Q: How an increase in temperature change the rate constant of a chemical reaction?
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What happens to the rate constant of a chemical reaction when the temperature increases?

Increasing the temperature will cause there to be an increase in kinetic energy. This results in an increase in collision frequency, and eventually an increase in rate of reaction as well.

What leads to an increase in the rate of a chemical reaction?

Either (or both) an increase in the reactants or temperature will increase the rate of a chemical reaction.

Which of the following tends to increase the rate of a chemical reaction?

Increasing the temperature of the reactants can increase the rate of the chemical reaction.

An increase in temperature will cause the rate of a chemical reaction to?

Increasing the temperature the dissolving rate increase.

What effects does temperature have on chemical changes?

Generally the speed of reaction increase when the temperature is increased.

Does the temperature increase or decrease when energy is released during a chemical reaction?

The temperature increases when energy is released during a chemical reaction.

How does increasing the temperature effect a chemical reaction?

Raising the temperature makes chemical reactions faster.

Why is it necessary to specify the temperature when giving a value for k?

The rate constant, k, varies with temperature, so the temperature at which it has been determined must be given. In general a 10 oC temperature increase will double the rate of a chemical reaction.

How does activation energy affect chemical reactions?

The Arrhenius equation is: Ea = -RT ln(k/A) where Ea - activation energy R - universal gas constant ln - logarithm k - speed constant T - temperature in kelvins

Why does increased temperature speed up a reaction?

The motion of chemical entities increase with the temperature and the probability of collisions also increase.

What happens to the temperature when the mass is increased in a chemical reaction involving magnesium and hydrochloric acid?

The temperature will increase the higher the mass of magnesium you add. It will increase the rate of the reaction.

What changes could you use to increase the atom economy in a reaction?

Addition of a catalyst or increasing the temperature will increase the rate of a chemical reaction.