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Q: How and why did the relative front values differ for each solvent system?
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How and why did Rf values differ for each solvent system?

Due to the difference in relative affinity or partition coefficient differences between the sample and the stationary phase/mobile phase

How would you expect Rf values to change if you went from hexane-ethyl acetate solvent system to ethyl acetate only?

the rf values would increase

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The soil profile is a vertical section of the soil that depicts all of its horizons.

Would RF values of amino acid you use in paper chromatography be the same if you use another solvent system?

Rf value is the ratio of distanced covered by solute by distanced covered by solvent.

What is the relative volatility of propane propylene system?

Relative volatility is a function of temperature, At 316.4 K, for example, the relative volatility of propylene to prapane is 1.136. Values for other temperatures are available at the International Critical Tables.

What are the significance of values?

Rf Values determine the solubility of a substance with respect to a certain solvent.

Where you could find the standard Rf values for fatty acids and poly unsaturated fatty acids?

Rf value of oleic acid with solvent system

Which chart compares relative values of different categories to the whole?

The Doughnut chart and pie chart, compares relative values of different categories to the whole

What do the Rf values indicate about the relative solubility of the pigment in the the solvent?

The Rf values do not indicate the solubility of a substance. The Rf value or retardation factor is the ratio of the distance traveled by the center of a pot to the distance traveled by the solvent front in chromatography.

Do men and women differ in values?


Properties of values according to Tomas Andres?

According to Tomas Andres properties of values include: value is relative, value is subjective, value is objective, value is bipolar and value is hierarchical. His- Understanding Filipino Values is a book that relates the Filipino value system.

How and why did values and attitudes of Spartan culture differ from the values and attitudes of Athenians?

I don't know you answer it.