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Depending on the laws of your state, CPS may not even need to get a court order to administer a drug test to their clients. That authorization may already be written into the mandate of their agency. They can exercise the power anytime the case officer has reason to believe that the client may be under the influence of narcotics.

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Q: How andwhen does child protective services get a court order to drug test?
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You can petition to be appointed the child's guardian. However, the situation should be reported to the authorities since the mother has abandoned her child. You should speak with an advocate at the family court, child protective services or an attorney who specializes in custody issues if possible.You can petition to be appointed the child's guardian. However, the situation should be reported to the authorities since the mother has abandoned her child. You should speak with an advocate at the family court, child protective services or an attorney who specializes in custody issues if possible.You can petition to be appointed the child's guardian. However, the situation should be reported to the authorities since the mother has abandoned her child. You should speak with an advocate at the family court, child protective services or an attorney who specializes in custody issues if possible.You can petition to be appointed the child's guardian. However, the situation should be reported to the authorities since the mother has abandoned her child. You should speak with an advocate at the family court, child protective services or an attorney who specializes in custody issues if possible.

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== == you report that to child protective services. if there is a visible bruise they will shelter the child with you the non custodial parent. that would be the time to petition family court for custody of the child because child protective services has already taken the child from him,it would be more likely that you will get it .

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If you believe your child is being abused then you should have already reported it to the local child protective services agency. You should visit the court with jurisdiction over your case as soon as possible and ask to speak with an advocate who can help you file for custody.If you believe your child is being abused then you should have already reported it to the local child protective services agency. You should visit the court with jurisdiction over your case as soon as possible and ask to speak with an advocate who can help you file for custody.If you believe your child is being abused then you should have already reported it to the local child protective services agency. You should visit the court with jurisdiction over your case as soon as possible and ask to speak with an advocate who can help you file for custody.If you believe your child is being abused then you should have already reported it to the local child protective services agency. You should visit the court with jurisdiction over your case as soon as possible and ask to speak with an advocate who can help you file for custody.

How does DHS get immediate temporary custody order for a newborn before allowing the legal father to assume custody?

It is assumed the question concerns an unmarried father since a married father has parental rights by law. Child protective agencies and courts are set up so they can act immediately and obtain court orders immediately to protect a child in need of care. It takes time for a father to petition the court to establish his paternity and then petition for custody.The Department of Human Services or Child Protective Services has the power to act immediately to provide a safe environment for the child while the father's case proceeds through the court.It is assumed the question concerns an unmarried father since a married father has parental rights by law. Child protective agencies and courts are set up so they can act immediately and obtain court orders immediately to protect a child in need of care. It takes time for a father to petition the court to establish his paternity and then petition for custody.The Department of Human Services or Child Protective Services has the power to act immediately to provide a safe environment for the child while the father's case proceeds through the court.It is assumed the question concerns an unmarried father since a married father has parental rights by law. Child protective agencies and courts are set up so they can act immediately and obtain court orders immediately to protect a child in need of care. It takes time for a father to petition the court to establish his paternity and then petition for custody.The Department of Human Services or Child Protective Services has the power to act immediately to provide a safe environment for the child while the father's case proceeds through the court.It is assumed the question concerns an unmarried father since a married father has parental rights by law. Child protective agencies and courts are set up so they can act immediately and obtain court orders immediately to protect a child in need of care. It takes time for a father to petition the court to establish his paternity and then petition for custody.The Department of Human Services or Child Protective Services has the power to act immediately to provide a safe environment for the child while the father's case proceeds through the court.

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No. No. When a minor has been placed in a foster or group home or is otherwise under the supervision of a state agency such as child protective services (CPS) permission is needed from the court for any change in the status of the minor.

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The parent has every right to do as needed for a child who has not reached the age of consent. Pregnancy makes no difference--the age of the girl trumps everything. The baby's father has no control at all.

How long can a cps case remain open?

I am presuming that CPS stands for Child Protective Services. A CPS case is not a court case, especially if a court case is separate. Therefore that case can remain open if a case worker feels that it should be. Let's say for example, you are charged with child abuse, a case presented to the court by Child Protective Services. For starters, it is not Child Protective Services that actually brings a case to court: it's the state attorney's office. If the court later decides to dismiss your case, then Child Protective Services can still monitor your case for later, and even remove the child from your home if necessary. I am assuming that the 'court case' is a criminl proceeding. If so, then yes, yes, yes ~ you're CPS case could easily remain open far past disposition of any criminal charges ~ whether the criminal charges are dropped or not. Because CPS is not bound by anywhere near the standard of proof (or the presumption of innocence) that criminal courts require, the outcomes of each can be entrely different. Also, 'services provided' by CPS are not considered punishment, so the duration of your case is not seen as a sentence, but a service.