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Dependency theory can be applicable in analyzing the unequal power dynamics between developed and developing nations, especially in terms of economic exploitation and political influence. It emphasizes the role of external factors in shaping the development trajectory of countries. However, dependency theory has been criticized for oversimplifying complex issues and not accounting for internal dynamics within nations. Its applicability may vary depending on the specific context being analyzed.

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Q: How applicable is dependency theory?
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What are the different between modernization theory and dependency theory?

Modernization theory focuses on how underdeveloped countries can develop and advance by adopting Western practices and technology. On the other hand, dependency theory argues that underdeveloped countries are exploited by more powerful nations, leading to their underdevelopment. Dependency theory emphasizes the negative impact of global economic structures on developing countries, while modernization theory focuses on internal factors for development.

What is neo-colonial dependency theory?

Neo-colonial dependency theory suggests that former colonial powers maintain economic, political, and cultural control over former colonies through indirect means, such as economic policies and trade relations. It argues that this continued dependency perpetuates underdevelopment in the formerly colonized countries.

Discuss the main tenets of the dependency theory and analyze its analytical relevancy to developing countries?

Dependency theory asserts that developing countries are exploited and kept in a state of underdevelopment by the dominant developed economies through unequal trade relationships and economic dependence. It highlights the role of historical colonialism and neo-colonial practices in perpetuating this dependence. Dependency theory remains relevant in analyzing the challenges faced by developing countries in achieving economic independence and sustainable development in the globalized world economy.

What are the characteristics of dependency theory?

Dependency theory suggests that global inequality is largely due to the exploitation of developing countries by developed countries. It emphasizes the role of historical colonialism and neocolonial practices in perpetuating underdevelopment. Dependency theorists argue that developing countries are structurally dependent on developed countries for resources, technology, and markets, leading to unequal power relations.

What are the theories of development studies?

Some key theories in development studies include modernization theory, dependency theory, and world systems theory. Modernization theory posits that all societies progress through similar stages of development, while dependency theory emphasizes the unequal distribution of power and resources between nations. World systems theory examines how countries are interconnected within a global economic system, with core nations exploiting peripheral nations for resources and labor.

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Discuss the main tenets of the dependency theory and analyze its analytical relevancy to developing countries?

Dependency theory asserts that developing countries are exploited and kept in a state of underdevelopment by the dominant developed economies through unequal trade relationships and economic dependence. It highlights the role of historical colonialism and neo-colonial practices in perpetuating this dependence. Dependency theory remains relevant in analyzing the challenges faced by developing countries in achieving economic independence and sustainable development in the globalized world economy.

What is the Modernization theory and the dependency theory?

The modernization theory puts the most emphasis on economic development social and cultural change, and political stability. The theory believes that certain steps can bring success to every country and that the policies and ways of western countries is best. An important difference with the dependency theory is that western countries force their rules and policies on developing countries. The dependency theory was developed to criticize the modernization theory.

What do critics of dependency theory claim?

critics of dependency theory says that any nation that has stopped imports items to its country has lessen the competition and to improve work for better services which is rendered to customers.

Does dependency theory run in families genetics?

"The theory of dependency running in family genetics is an ongoing study. There is strong evidence that there is a genetic component to many dependencies therefore I would say that yes, it does run in family genetics."

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How is cell theory applicable to human and amoeba?

It applies to both.

What are advantages and disadvantages of the media dependency theory?

Advantages: Helps understand the influence of media on society, highlights the power dynamics between media and audience, provides insights into how media shapes attitudes and behaviors. Disadvantages: May oversimplify complex interactions between media and society, overlooks individual agency and active audience participation, fails to account for the diversity of media effects and reception.

What are the main arguments of the dependency theory its causes and solutions of underdevelopment in third world countries?


Importance of dependency theory in policy making in Nigeria?

Becasue Nigeria is a third world country, the dependency theory claims that world banks and organizations which lend money and help to third world countries from developed nations create a dependecy from Nigeria to developed countries.

When Dalton's theory is it possible to convert atoms of the one element into atoms of another?

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