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Both Soviet gulags were and North Korean Concentration Camps are mass prisons for detention and torture of political prisoners and undesirables. They were not generally designed for actual violent criminals (murderers, thieves, rapists, etc.), but for people who committed a thought-crime or violated restrictive speech laws (political activists, democracy promoters, religious advocates, etc.). China has a similar type of system called the Laogai.

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Q: How are North Korean concentration camps similar to the Soviet gulags?
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What are the common traits amongst gulags?

Gulags existed in the Soviet Union from 1930 to 1960. Gulags where referred to as "Corrective Labor Camps" in the Soviet Union, and included forced labor, and punishment.

In the soviet unions what were gulags?

Labor camps

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Joseph Stalin established gulags in order to?

to use politcal prisoniers to improve soviet infrastructure.

Soviet Labor Camps?

They are sometimes referred to collectively as the Gulag.

What concentration camps were in Russia during the Holocaust?

Yes, the USSR had many "concentration camps" but they were mainly forced labour camps, their was 53 separate camps and 423 labour colonies. Most of these were located in Western side of the USSR and along South and South east of the Soviet Union. These were called "Gulags". The USSR hold people in these Gulags for the simplest of crimes eg. Littering and all the way to Political Prisoners. See related Link for more info.

Were there any gulags in Bulgaria?

no gulags

What happened to musicians who did not confirm the soviet policy?

Gulags, forced deportation, these guys knew all kinds of ways to keep dissidents quiet

Where were the Russian gulags located?

The Russian gulags were located in various locations across the Soviet Union, including Siberia, the Russian Far East, and other remote regions. They were often situated in harsh and remote areas to isolate and punish prisoners.

Where were Russian gulags located?

gulags were located in Russia, starting in laborea, the gulags spred in hundreds all over the Russian county union

Who are placed into gulags?

People who are critical of the government are normal the inhabitants of gulags.

Where were Gulags?

All Gulags were to found in Russia, scattered over a very wide area. There were at least 476 separate camps, some of them comprising hundreds, even thousands of camp units.