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Ok roads north and south are numbered ODD.. East and west are numbered even Starting from west to east they go up in numbers, from south to north the numbers go up as well.. I 5 is in the west part of cali, I 95 is along the Atlantic. I 10 starts is along the southern border, I 90 and I 94 run along the northern border.

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Q: How are US interstate highways numbered?
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Do the US interstate highways that end in odd numbers carry travelers from east to west?

No, odd numbered highways go North and South. Even numbered highways go East and West. Three digit highways are bypasses around cities.

What direction do even-numbered interstate roads run?

The United States Interstate Highway System was designed so that even-numbered routes are east-west highways.

How are US highways numbered?

East-to-west direction highways are even-numbered while north-south are odd-numbered.

Major highways in Vermont?

Interstate 89, Interstate 91, Interstate 93, US Route 7, US Route 2, US Route 4, US Route 302, US Route 5, VT Route 100, and VT Route 22A

Does Puerto Rico have US Interstate Highways?

No it does not.

What are New Hampshire's major highways?

Interstate Highways 95 and 295 and US Highway 1.

How many interstates are in the US?

There are 67 Interstate Highways in the US.

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Auxiliary Interstate Highways and Primary Interstate Highways

What 2 highways run east and west through Montana?

I-90 and I-94 are east-west interstate highways in Montana.

Which highways interchange is at wyoming's capital?

Interstate 80/US Highway 30 and Interstate 25/US Highways 85/87 interchange in Wyoming's capital city, Cheyenne.

What are the major highways in South Dakota?

Major highways in the state of South Dakota include Interstate 90, running east and west across the state and Interstate 29, running north and south. Other major highways include: US Highways 12, 14, 16, 81, 83, 85, 212, 281, and 385

What is responsible for monitoring and maintaining interstate highways?

Individual state highway departments. The Federal government provides most of the funding for Interstate & US Highways though.