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Q: How are all components in a series circuit connected?
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What circuit has all the coponents in one loop?

It is a series circuit with all the components connected in series.

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a switch and a capacitor which is connected in series with the switch

What are series circuits?

A series circuit is one that is hooked up one component after another. Think of a baseball club holding hands. A paralell circuit is one in which the components are hooked up while sharing connection points. - Think of a marching squad coming at you all at once.

How many paths do electrons have to follow?

In a series circuit all the components are connected in series, which means that the same current has to flow through all of them. In a parallel circuit with all the components in parallel, the same voltage is across each of them. Some circuits can be a mixture of series and parallel.

What are the differences between a parallel circuit and a series circuit?

in parallel circuit passive components such as resistor capacitor and inductor are connected in such away tht all components positive sided terminals are connected together and similarly negative sided terminals. and then positive terminal of the source is connected to positive side and vice versa.while in case of series circuit negative terminal of first component is connected to the positive terminal of the second component and so on and then source is connected

What are series?

A series circuit is when all the components are connected together in one continuous way, with no cross-connections between intermediate parts. If one component breaks the whole circuit is broken.A good example of a series circuit is how all the low-voltage lights to go on a Christmas tree are usually connected in series in a "head to tail" fashion, so that the total voltage of the string of lights matches the house service voltage.A circuit is said to be in series if1. Its components are connected end to end.2.same current flows through all the components,3.voltages are additive,4.powers are additive.

Why does a circuit work?

It works with a connected wire and all the components inside a circuit.

A circuit in which all the devices are connected in a single path is called?

A series circuit is one is which all current is restricted to one path. A good example of a device that is series-connected is a circuit breaker.

What is A large printed circuit board to which all other components are connected?


How is current distributed in a series circuit?

In a series circuit, all components gets the same amount of current passing through them.

what Type of circuit is one in which all loads are connected in one single loop?

series circuit

How are all parts of series circuit connected?

In series. In other words - from end to end in a loop.