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Because as the squares get longer and turn into rectangles, the more colder it gets, thus the squarier the squares are the hotter it is which that area being closer to the Equator

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What is angle of a square?

Each angle in a square is a right angle, or a 90 degree angle.

Is a square a supplementary angle?

A square is a polygon, not an angle!

What is the total angle of the square?

The total angle of a square is 360

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they are not related

Is a square a perpendicular angle?

No. A square is a two-dimensional shape, not an angle!

What is a sum of a angle for a square?

each angle in the square is 90 degrees.Since there is 4 angles, therefore the sum of a angle for a square is 360 degrees.

Is a parallelogram with a right angle a square?

Yes a parallelogram with a right angle is a square.

Does a square have an angle?

Yes it does A square has a right-angle in each corner. Therefore, there are four angles in a square.

What is the square root of a right angle?

A right angle is 90 degrees. The square root of a right angle would be the square root of 90, which is 9.486.

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The square drawn in a right angle simply is to indicate that the angle is, indeed, 90 degrees.