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there are many kinds of animals every where. but some are useful to the you know who are they? they are bee,butterfly,crow,cow,earthworms etc

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Q: How are animals useful to environment?
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Animals that are useful in the environment?

ox, lizard,cow,...

Can you please tell me why environment is so useful?

The environment is useful for animals as it is an animal's natural habitat. It's the same with humans.

Are houseflies useful to the environment?

Houseflies are quite useful to the environment as they help in decomposing of substances. They are also used as food by certain animals on earth.

How are sanctuaries useful to environment?

They captive breed the animals. Ps I'm ten!

How computers are useful in saving the environment?

yes,it is very useful to save a environment.

How does Tasmanian devil change the environment?

The Tasmanian devil performs the useful function of helping to keep the environment clean by eating carrion (dead animals). This limits the prevalence of flies and the possibility of diseases resulting from decaying flesh of other animals.

How scavenger useful to us?

scavengers help us clean our environment by eating dead and decomposed animals. if there were no scavengers our earth would be dirty and would be full of dead animals

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Sanctuaries provide a place that animals can breed and reproduce. They provide protection to the animal so that they might not become extinct.

Why are the useful animals?

Useful animals help man complete their task more easily...

How animals are useful to us?

lots of animals are useful to us because we eat them to live.

How are animals useful to protect the environment?

Most carnivores (including lions) are known as Keystone Predators who can change their behaviour instantly when certain prey numbers are uneven. This means they can effectively balance out the Biodiversity of the environment's prey.

How do Crow s help the environment?

yes they are useful in eating away dead, decaying animals which could otherwise spread diseases like rabies etc.