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o because o has no markers on any of the blood cells.

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Q: How are antibodies related to the type of blood a person can receive?
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What kind of antibodies does type AB have?

Since that person has anti-B antibodies, then A antigens are present in her red blood cells. Since that person doesnt have anti-A antibodies, then there are no B antigens present, which means the person has A type blood.

Why cant a person with type a blood receive blood from a person with type b blood?

because in blood group B anti-A antibodies are present.

Why blood group o should not receive blood from other groups?

Blood group O has both a and b antibodies, therefore receiving blood from blood group A, the A-antigens will agglutinate with the b-antibodies of the person with blood group O. Receiving blood from blood group B will also cause agglutination of its b-antigens and the blood group O's a-antibodies.

What antibodies do a person with A- have?

A person with A negative blood will form antibodies to Rh + and to B

If a person has blood type A he or she cannot receive a blood transfusion from a person with blood type O?

It depends on what you mean by "blood". If you mean Red Blood Cells, it is due to somthing called antigens. Type O has IgM anti-A antibodies and anti-B antibodies in blood serum, and this would "attack" blood that had A or B antibodies. Since AB has both, it cannot donate to O, and O can only receive O. With regards to Blood Plasma however, AB can donate to any group, including O.

Why can a person with rh- blood not receive rh plus blood?

The person with Rh- blood will begin to make antibodies against Rh+ upon exposure. This may not occur with the first transfusion - but it is still not recommended to give an Rh- person Rh+ blood.

does a person with type a blood have antibodies?

A - blood type

Can a person with blood type b receive a transfusion of blood types b and ab?

No...someone with a B blood type has anti-A antibodies so the A blood type in the AB blood would cause clotting.

In infected person's HIV antibodies are found in the?

Antibodies are found in the blood from the HIV.

What prevents your body from accepting transfusions of certain types of blood?

Antibodies. They are designed to resist, or fight, specific types of antigens. Type AB has no antibodies, which is why they can receive any type of blood. Type A has B antibodies, which means it will fight type B blood as well as type AB. Type B has A antibodies, which means it will fight type A blood, as well as type AB. Type O has A and B antibodies, which is why it can only receive type O blood.

A person with type A blood has antibodies to?

Type A blood will produce antibodies against B antigens.

Can o positive blood accept b positive blood?

No. There are 4 basic blood types: A, B, AB, and O O can be given to any of the above types HOWEVER the second factor in blood donation is the Rh factor. When a blood is said to be either - or + it is describing whither the blood does or does not have Rh antibodies in it. (An person with O+ blood has Rh antibodies) The only people that can get a + blood type are those who have a + blood type themselves. If a person who has a - blood type receives a + blood transfusion the body's immune system will see the Rh antibodies as invaders and try to attack the cells causing an inflammatory response by the body and the person can die. Therefore a person who is B- cannot receive O+ blood. O- is the "universal donor" because ANY blood type regardless of type or Rh status can receive that donor.