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Atoms are the smallest subdivision of "normal" matter--individual elements. Examples of elements: Hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen.

A molecule is made of up two or more atoms chemically bonded. Examples of molecules: H2O (two hydrogens combined with one oxygen form water) or NaCl (one atom of sodium plus one atom of chlorine--common table salt). Some molecules can grow to be enormously long and complex, such as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Water, salt, and DNA are also compounds, because molecules formed from two more more different elements are known as compounds.

Some molecules are not compounds. For example, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen all combine with themselves to form molecules such as H2, N2, and O2. Two atoms of hydrogen make H2, two atoms of oxygen make O2, three atoms of oxygen make ozone (O3), and so on.

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2w ago

Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter. Elements are made up of only one type of atom. Compounds are made up of two or more different elements chemically bonded together. Molecules are the smallest unit of a compound that retains its chemical properties.

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9y ago

Atoms of elements (and ion forms) make up molecules, which can combine with other atoms and molecules to form compounds. To be more scientific:

An atom is the smallest component of any element having all the chemical properties of that specific element.

A molecule is the simplest complete structural unit of an element or compound that can exist in nature.

Ions are atoms or molecules that have become electrically charged (positive or negative) by having lost or gained one or more electrons.

A compound is a substance consisting of two or more different elements or molecules formed by the chemical union of two or more elements or molecules in definite proportion by weight.

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Which items are related to compounds?

Elements, atoms, and molecules are related to compounds. Elements are the building blocks of compounds, atoms combine to form molecules, and molecules can be separate entities or part of a compound.

What elements related in compounds?

Elements in compounds are related through chemical bonds, where atoms are joined together to form molecules. These bonds can be covalent (sharing electrons) or ionic (transferring electrons). The properties of compounds are determined by the types of elements present and the arrangement of atoms within the molecule.

What is the relationship of a molecule and an atom?

Molecules are composed of atoms. Atoms are to elements as molecules are to compounds.

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Elements and atoms are mainly the same. Molecules are made up of atoms and chemical bonds are bonds that combine the atoms together to make molecules. Compounds are just about the same as molecules only are made up of molecules like how molecules are made of atoms. Substances can relate to anything, and mixtures are many compounds and molecules mixed together.

Matter is classified as?

atoms, molecules, elements, ions, and compounds

Are elements and compounds are made of atoms?

Yes. Elements are composed of individual atoms. Compounds are composed of molecules, which are chemical combinations of atoms. Some pure elements exist as molecules containing various numbers of combined atoms, such as atmospheric oxygen (O2) and ozone (O3).

What Molecules that are made up of different atoms are?

Molecules made up of different elements (different atoms) are called compounds.

Are elements and compounds made of atom?

Yes. Elements are composed of individual atoms. Compounds are composed of molecules, which are chemical combinations of atoms. Some pure elements exist as molecules containing various numbers of combined atoms, such as atmospheric oxygen (O2) and ozone (O3).

2Na represents two something of sodium Its out of either atoms compounds elements or molecules?

the answer is atoms

Are all atoms made up of molecules which may combine to form elements?

No. Molecules are made of atoms, not the other way around. Atoms of different elements combine to form compounds.

How are elements atoms and molecules are related?

Atoms are elements , e.g Hydrogen. Molecules are combinations of atoms, e.g water H2O is the combination of Hydrogen and Qxygen.

Are molecules only found in compounds?

No, molecules can exist both in compounds and as individual elements. In compounds, molecules are formed when atoms chemically bond together. In the case of elements, some exist as diatomic molecules (like oxygen, O2), while others exist as single atoms (like helium, He).