

Best Answer

A Bass has thicker strings and produces a lower sound.

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Q: How are bass and electric guitars different?
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Related questions

What are the different guitars?

Well there are a lot of different guitars but the main 3 tops are acoustic, electric guitar and a bass guitar.

How does the sound of electric guitars differ from bass guitars?

A bass guitar is really low sounding and the highest string on a bass guitar is the lowest on an electric guitar.

What is the instruments played in the band black veil brides name of the guitars pleaselike bass or electric you know?

Bass and 2 electric guitars.

What is the best guitar for screamo?

Bass, clean guitars,distorted guitars drums, vocals

How can one identify bass guitars?

Bass guitars are similar in appearance to electric guitars. It has a longer neck and can have four to eight strings. The most common bass guitar has four strings.

What kind of guitars does Axl manufacture?

AXL guitars manufactures many different guitars. Among the most popular are their original electric and bass guitars. All their guitars are hand made at the company's workshop in Hayward, California.

Do they make sansamp for bass guitar as well as electric guitar?

Sansamp's can be bought for an electric guitar if one has one. In addition to electric guitars, Sansamp's can also be bought for bass guitars, and have high quality.

Can bass guitar amps be used for acoustic electric guitars?


How many types of the electric guitars are there?

baritone which is designed to tune lower 7 to say 10 string guitars multiscale guitars electric acoustic regular bass 5 or more string basses fretless bass that is off the top of my head

How many strings does a upright bass have?

Some electric bass guitars have more strings, but an upright bass traditionally has 4.

What are Rickenbacker guitars?

"Rickenbacker" is the oldest electronic pickup company in the world. As of now, they mostly make electric bass guitars and some electric guitars, but are still a high-quality brand.

Are there any good bass guitars that are lighter than usual?

There are many good, light bass guitars. Some good brands include Rees Guitars Lightweight F-Light Bass Guitar and the Yamaha RBX4 A2 Super-Light Electric Bass Guitar.