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Chlorine and Magnesium are placed in same period. They are placed in period-3.

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Q: How are chlorine and magnesium similar on the periodic table?
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Which element is most similar to chlorine according to the periodic table?

Chlorine and Magnesium are in the same horizontal row or period, so Magnesium.

How will you find the valency of chlorine sodium and magnesium?

Look in the periodic table at groups; sodium has the valence +1, magnesium +2 and chlorine -1.

What group is chlorine in the periodic table?

Chlorine is in Group 17 of the Periodic Table.

Is magnesium combined with other elements?

Magnesium on heating reacts with oxygen and halogens but it also reacts with nitrogen.

Why in the periodic table is chlorine Cl?

Periodic table is an arrangement of elements. Chlorine is an element and hence it is there on the periodic table.

What group is chlorine in on periodic table?

Chlorine is in Group 17 of the Periodic Table.

Why did Mendeleev put bromine and chlorine in the same group on the periodic table?

They have similar properties.

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Phosphorus is in the 15th column of the periodic table (Nitrogen group) That means that it has similar valence shell electronic properties as nitrogen arsenic antimony bismuth

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Why is Mg smaller than Cl?

Magnesium isn't smaller than chlorine, it's larger. The atomic radius for magnesium is 145 pm and the atomic radius for chlorine is 79 pm. Both magnesium and chlorine are in the third period of the periodic table. The trend for atomic radius is that the elements generally get smaller as you move from left to right across the table in the same period.

What elements in the periodic table has properties that are most similar to fluorine?

One of the halogenss, chlorine, bromine, iodine