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Q: How are clause and brought alike?
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How is clause and brought alike?

how is clause and brought alike

How are clause and brought different?

santa brings gifts and the other one

What is the major function of nouns and pronouns?

Nouns are words for people, places, and things.Nous function as the subject of a sentence or a clause, or as the object of a verb or a preposition.Pronouns take the place of nouns in a sentence. The function of pronouns in a sentence is the same as nouns.Examples:Noun as subject: John brought Jane a bouquet of flowers.Noun as subject of a clause: The flowers that John brought are for Jane.Noun as direct object: John brought Jane a bouquet of flowers.Noun as indirect object: John brought Jane a bouquet of flowers.Noun as object of a preposition: John brought Jane a bouquet of flowers.Pronoun as subject: He brought Jane a bouquet of flowers.Pronoun as subject of a clause: The flowers that he brought are for Jane.Pronoun as direct object: John brought her to the party.Pronoun as object of the preposition: John came to the party with her.

What makes an exclusion clause valid?

An exclusion clause is valid if it is clear and unambiguous, brought to the attention of the parties before or at the time of entering into the contract, and not contrary to public policy. Additionally, the clause must be reasonable and fair in the circumstances.

Is there a dependent clause in Kim and Brian brought money for the movies?

No. It is a simple sentence. Subject=Kim and Brian Verb=brought Direct object=money Prepositional phrase=for the movies

Is the US Constitution's double jeopardy clause violated if both a civil penalty is imposed and criminal charges are brought for the same OSHA violation?

The double jeopardy clause of the US Constitution applies only to criminal charges.

When does a pronoun function as subject pronoun?

A subject pronoun functions as the subject of a sentence or the subject of a clause. Examples:They came for dinner.We had the wine they brought.

What country did the treaty of Versailles brought an end to world war 1 and placed sole responsibility for the war?

Germany in the "war guilt" clause.

What is the name for Santa Claus in Poland?

We don't have santa clause. The presents "are brought" by baby Jesus.

Can slavery being inherited?

Yes, long ago, the was a law called the Grandfather Clause. They said if your grandfather was enslaved then you had to be too. That is asuming that your balck, because white men were the ones that enforced the laws. The Gardnfather Clause brought confusion for the black men who lied and said their grandfather was not a slave and the White men called it quits on that paticular clause.

Do object pronouns have to go after subject pronouns?

No, object pronouns are used as the object of a verb or the object of a preposition, wherever they fall in a sentence. Examples:To them, I'm just the lowly clerk; theydon't know that I'm also a psychology graduate. (them as object of the preposition 'to')The one we brought them was the one they wanted. (them as the object of the verb 'brought' and object of the noun clause, the noun clause is the subject of the verb 'was')

How do you use grief in a sentence as an abstract noun?

The noun 'grief' is an abstract noun, a word for an emotion.A noun functions as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as the object of a verb or a preposition.Example sentences:The grief over the loss took her some time to overcome. (subject of the sentence)The sadness that her grief brought could be seen on her face. (subject of the clause)The news brought grief to her family. (direct object of the verb 'brought')It took some time for the grief to pass. (object of the preposition 'for')