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how the hell should i know !!


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Q: How are complete and incomplete proteins similar?
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How are complete nd incomplete proteins different from each other?


What is the differrences betwen complete and incomplete proteins?

The number of essential amino acids it contains.

What is the process of combining two incomplete proteins to make a complete protein?

mutual supplematon

What is a compete protein?

complete protein is found in animal products and soy beans. It provides ALL the proteins that the human body needs.Examples of complete proteins- Eggs- Ham (meat)- Pink Salmon- Cottage Cheeseand more,,Incomplete protein provides SOME of the proteins that the human body needs. Incomplete proteins are found in plant products like nuts and legumesExamples of incomplete proteins are- Sunflower seeds- Peanuts- Peas- Nuts- legumes

What is a source for incomplete proteins?

beans and rice are, seperate, incomplete proteins

All animal proteins are classified as?

Animal proteins are classified as complete proteins because they contain all essential amino acids required by the body. These amino acids are necessary for various bodily functions, including muscle growth and repair.

Is orange a complete or incomplete protein?

The "complete protein" thing is kind of a myth with regard to human nutrition. All plant foods contain complete proteins.

What is the examples of proteins?

Foods that contain protein are grouped as either incomplete or complete proteins. Complete proteins contain all essential amino acids. Here are some examples of complete proteins:Fish: all fish are complete proteinsDairy Foods: cheese, milk, eggs are complete proteinsMeat: beef, buffalo, bison, chicken, lamb, pork, chicken, turkey and other meats are complete proteins..

What is the difference between complete and incomplete proteins?

im sorry idk the answer to that but im also looking for it b/c i have it for h.w lol

Food the contain a High ratio of nutrients to calories are considered A Empty calories B Complete proteins C Incomplete proteins D Nutritional dense?

D. Nutritionally Dense

Examples of incomplete proteins?

Incomplete proteins include Almond (nuts), grain and beans.

How are complete metamorphosis and incomplete metamorphosis in insect's alike and different?

There are four stages in the life cycle in complete metamorphosis while there are only three in incomplete metamorphosis.Both have an adult and egg stage.In incomplete metamorphosis, the nymph is similar in appearance to the adult while in complete metamorphosis, the larva is different in appearance compared to the adult.Complete metamorphosis has a pupa stage while incomplete metamorphosis does not.