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Simply put, an element is made up of identical atoms, and a compound is made up of non identical atoms.

If I am wrong, blame my science teacher.

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Q: How are compound different from the elements that make them?
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Can you predict the properties of a compound by knowing the properties of the elements that make up the compound explain your answer?

No because the elements that make up the compounds have different properties than the compound's properties.

Can the same elements be combined in different amounts to make a different compound?


How do the properties of a compound compare with the properties of the elements that make up the compound?

Compounds have different properties from the elements that make them. ... The properties of a compound depend not only on which atoms the compound contains, but also on how the atoms are arranged.

What has different properties than the elements from which they are made?

A substance that has properties different from the chemical elements in it is a chemical compound. A chemical compound is built from chemical elements that are chemically bonded together. And the "finished product" will have chemical properties that are unique to that compound, and different from the properties of the substances that make it up.

What makes one compound different from another compound?

They don't have the same elements that make them. Hope it helped. =)

What elements makes up compound?

two or more different elements

What is the minimum of elements in a compound?

A compound is composed of two or more different elements.

What are two ways a compound is different from a element?

Elements make up compounds. Elements are purely one substance, while a compound is formed by chemical bonds between two or more elements.

How do you get a compound?

To make a compound, bond 2 or more different elements chemically. An example would be to bond iron and sulphur to make iron sulphide.

What two or more different elements stuck together make up a single?

Two or more elements can combine into a compound.

Are properties of a compound the sane as the properties of the substances that make up the compound?

Compounds are made up of elements. There is chemical reaction. The properties are totally different in case of the compounds than that of the elements.

What is the diff between an element and a compound?

An element is such as oxygen, or nitrogen etc., A compound is a chemical combination between atoms of different elements, e.g. water (H2O) is a compound, because it contains two different elements.