

How are coral reefs and hydrothermal vents different?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How are coral reefs and hydrothermal vents different?
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How are coral reefs and hydrothermal vents the same?

Coral reefs and hydrothermal vents are similar because they both lie below the under water.

What kinds of different plants are there in the sea?

in the sea there are seaweed, coral, and hydrothermal vents.

What do hydrothermal vents look like?

Type your answer here... what do Hydrothermal Vents look like

Have been found in waters of hydrothermal vents?

hydrothermal vents are found in the deep zone

What is the difference between coral reefs and deep ocean vents?

Coral reefs rely on photosynthesis to produce their food. This means that they are close to the sun so that the sun can help it produce food. The "deep ocean vents" or hydrothermal vents are 7,000 fett underwater and cannot use the sun for it's food. The vents in the water spew out chemicals that the animals and plants there use to survive. Since it's very, very dark, the animals have adapted to living in those conditions. Most animals have lights or are "bioluminescent" meaning that they have some kind of light in their body that can help them see. A well-known example of an animal that uses bioluminescence is a firefly. ADDED. Essentially the difference is that between living and inert. The coral reef is built up of the exoskeletons of the polyp, a tiny animal. A hydrothermal vent is purely geological: a minerals deposit.

How Tall Are Hydrothermal vents?

Hydrothermal vents can get very tall. Many of them are as tall as a three story house.

In What zone are hydrothermal vents located-?

hydrothermal vents are found in the deep zone

Do crab lives near hydrothermal vents?

Yes, some crabs have adapted to life near hydrothermal vents.

Are hydrothermal vents diverse?

I have no clue

Where are most hydrothermal vents found?

Hydrothermal vents are found along seafloor spreading centers on the bottom of the oceans.

What discovery was made by Alvin?

Hydrothermal vents

What organismes live in hydrothermal vents?
