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The answer to this question is too long and drawn out to be able to answer here, since there are far more than one way to raise and market a cow. Or a bull, or steer or heifer.

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Q: How are cows raised and marketed today?
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What animals were raised on mission San Juan Capistrano?

Cows were raised there.

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Iroquois never raised cows. Cows were brought in from the European settlers and raised by the European immigrants, not by the Iroquois themselves.

How are cows raised and marketed today compared to the 1800's?

Well, for one thing it takes half the time to raise and market a steer than it did 200 years ago! Cattle are raised pretty much the same way as back then, only today we have fences to keep them in, better management strategies to make better cow herds and better pastures, and more options to market them than in the past. Cattle don't need to walk to market, they're simply taken a ride there in a trailer or cattle liner.

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The animals were cattle, sheep, goats, cows.

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Cows and pigs

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pigs and cows

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Both (lamb are offspring of sheep) would be raised in Greece.

Why do you turn cows into meat?

Because cows (or cattle) are food animals, meant to be raised to be "turned into" meat.

How are the typical lives of cows in the United States Dairy and cows raised for slaughter.?

cuz ou know that Canada has proudy specail cows :)