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they different because they change the hours of the day and they know when is night and day cause they change it .

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Q: How are day and night different on earth and the moon?
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How do we get day and night?

We get day and night because, the Earth spins on it's axis around the sun, when the part of the Earth you live in is facing the sun it is day to you. The Moon orbits the earth, for the moon to orbit the Earth once it takes 28 days, when the Moon is facing the part of the Earth you live on it is night to you. Hope this helped x

How does day and night change by the moon?

The rotaion and movent of the earth and he moon

Is a full moon visible from earth in the day or at night?

both you can see it day or night

What phenomena proves that the moon revolves around the earth th?

T he appearance of moon regularly in different shapes. Also the day and night formation confirms the revolution of moon round the earth.

Whats Moon's role in forming night on earth?

Well the moon doesn't actully form night on earth. It's the rotation of earth on it's axis that makes day and night.

Why the sun arise at day time and the moon arise at night time?

Day happens because we are in the sun's direct light. The sun seems to "arise" when actually the earth is rotating. The moon can be out in the "daytime" the moon's orbit around the earth has little to do with night and day. Although the moon is brighter at night.

Does the moon have daytime and night time?

Like the Earth, the moon rotates on its axis. This means that the surface of the moon has a sunlit and sunless time. This creats a lunar day and night. The lunar day/night cycle is about 28 Earth days long.

Why is there a day and a night?

because the gravity of the earth sampak to the moon;)

Why is day and night?

because we need night to sleep and we have the moon which gives us nightthere is day and night because as the earth is orbitting round the sun ,is also spinning and moon is also orbitting round the earth.there is day and night because as the earth is orbitting round the sun ,is also spinning and moon is also orbitting round the earth.

What causes the moon to have day and night?

The same thing that causes the Earth to have day and night; the Moon spins. Slowly, it is true. The Moon always has the same face turned toward the Earth, but since the Moon orbits the Earth that means that the Moon spins (relative to the Sun) once per orbit. So a "day" on the Moon lasts a little over 14 days, and the lunar "night" is just as long.

Does the earth orbit the sun to get day and night?

No, it spins around in a circle on its axis. When the Earth is facing the sun, it is day. When it faces the moon, it is night.