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Q: How are decomposers bad for plants?
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What is interrelationship of plants soil and decomposers in a forest?

Decomposers are the organisms that convert the dead plants and animals into humus. The nutrients released by the decomposers are taken up by the roots of the plants. In this way, the decomposers help in recycling the nutrients. This is how soil, plants and decomposers are interrelated in a forest.

Do all decomposers have to be plants?

generally decomposers are NOT plants, they are microscopic fungi and bacteria

Are flower decomposers?

Plants and flowers are not decomposers. They are producers.

Are seed decomposers?

Seeds and plants are not decomposers. They are producers.

What is the relationship between decomposes and plants?

The relationship between decomposers and plants are that decomposers give plants nutrients and minerals.

How do decomposers get carbon?

decomposers get their carbon from dead plants and animals.

Are plants carnivores herbivores omnivores or decomposers?

Plants are producers that are eaten by herbivores. Some plants like mold, and mushrooms are decomposers.

What organisms feed on dead plants and animals and helps recylce them?

The organism's are called detrivores, or decomposers.

Is fungus and plants decomposers?

All plant material will decompose when it's natural life is over. Edited answer: All saprophytic fungi act as decomposers but all plants are not decomposers.

Are plants producers or decomposers?

They are producers.

How do decomposers resupply elements to producers?

Decomposers eat and digest the dead plants and animals and their waste is natural compost for living plants.

Is air plant a decomposers or consumers or producers?

are air plants decomposers,producer and consomers