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For thousands of years, humans and dogs have derived benefit from the relationship with each other. Because both humans and canines have a similar nature for close family or pack relationships, they have developed the ability to include each other in those relationships. Some of the ways that this works for both species are a dogs ability to learn to perform jobs for humans based on their canine instincts, jobs that give them exercise and satisfaction and humans derive the benefit from the use of these abilities; both canine and human nature requires companionship and each can provide the other with reliable companionship to the advantage to humans that dogs only need their basic needs met to be faithful companions who don't judge or have issue with humans' frailties.

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13y ago
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2w ago

Dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years and have formed close bonds with humans as companions, helpers, and protectors. This companionship has evolved into a mutually beneficial relationship, where dogs provide emotional support, companionship, and assistance while receiving care, shelter, and food from humans. Dogs also have the ability to understand human emotions, forming a unique and strong connection with their owners.

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12y ago

We each have four limbs, one head, two eyes, two ears, one mouth, and a tail bone. We are mammals, we socialize in groups, and we seek warmth on cold winter nights.Also we both have a lauguage.We both have baths.We both have friends and family.

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14y ago

The dogs and human alike things is wrong. (Joking!) Dogs and humans aren't alike.

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Can a man out run a dog?

It depends on the dog breed and the distance of the race. In general, most dogs are faster runners than humans over short distances due to their superior sprinting abilities and agility. However, humans have better endurance and can outlast dogs in longer distance races.

Are humans believed to be the only animals who have dreams?

No, humans are not the only animals believed to have dreams. Studies suggest that many animals, including mammals like dogs, cats, and even birds and reptiles, exhibit behaviors during sleep that are consistent with dreaming. Brain activity patterns similar to humans experiencing REM sleep have been observed in these animals, supporting the idea that they may also dream.

Only humans are believed to have dreams?

While humans are the most studied when it comes to dreaming, some studies suggest that other mammals such as rats and dogs also experience a form of dreaming during their sleep. Although the exact nature of animal dreaming is still debated, there is evidence to suggest that dreaming might not be exclusive to humans.

What are the similarities between Pavlov's Thorndike's and skinner's theory of learning?

Pavlov, Thorndike, and Skinner all focused on the role of conditioning in learning. They believed that behavior is influenced by external factors and that rewards or punishments can shape behavior. They all emphasized the importance of reinforcement in learning processes.

Can dogs be racist against other breeds of dog?

Dogs do not exhibit racism as humans do since they lack the cognitive ability to hold discriminatory beliefs. However, dogs can show fear or aggression towards other breeds based on lack of experience or socialization. It's important for dog owners to expose their pets to different breeds to promote harmonious interactions.

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TThey all spend a lifetime moving through and breathing liquids

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Do dogs think like humans?

No. Dogs are different from humans. For example, dogs cannot process many colours, unlike humans. Dogs have the pack instinct (resulting in their loyalty), while humans do not. Dogs only mate in breeding season, while humans mate anytime.

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Dogs bite humans because they smell fear.

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Liver medicines do not work the same on humans as they do dogs. A dogs body works different than a humans.

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Can dogs be humans?

No dogs cant be humans. Unless you wish really hard for it to happen.

Are dogs smarter than huminas?

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