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Q: How are dramatic convention important in a play?
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When the audience or reader of a play knows something a character in the play does not it is called?

Dramatic Irony

What is a play called that is overly dramatic?

Drama or dramatic

What is a dramatic interlude?

A dramatic interlude is a short play performed during the breaks of a longer play.

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Why does an audience want to see a play such as?

Type your answer here... Dramatic irony sets up tension that makes audiences examine important questions

Would dramatic irony add to or detract from the enjoyment of a play?

They add, because what's a dramatic play without dramatic irony? Some of the most popular plays are dramas, so the answer is yes.

How do you call a overly dramatic play?


What makes a play dramatic?

a tons of trauma

What Baroque convention characterizes Rubens's Elevation of the Cross?

Figures are rendered with a dramatic foreshortening and appear to be breaking into the viewer's space.

Why is it important that readers understand dramatic vocabulary when reading a play?

Do you have to be an actor to be great at reading aloud? Of course not! Children love hearing the voices of the people they love.

What did George Washington talk about at the constitutional convention?

the most important thing was he was the president of the convention the most important thing was he was the president of the convention he was like the father of the convention like James Madison was the father of the constitution.

What is playlet convension?

a short play or dramatic piece