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Where Drug users share needles then as blood is involved they can pass diseases directly to one another.

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Q: How are drug user at a greater risk for a disease that is caused by a virus such as hepatitis?
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Hepatitis A?

It is a acute or chronic liver infection caused by hepatitis A virus. To learn more, Visit Central BioHub.

Is hepatitis A a virual or bacterial disease?

Viral: all hepatitis infections are caused by a virus.

Is hepatitis b a infectious or non-infectious?

Hepatitis B is an infectious disease caused by a bloodborne virus.

What is the difference between chronic hepatitis b and carrier of hepatitis B?

Chronic hepatitis B is a liver disease caused by a virus. Being a carrier of hepatitis B means that you are infected with the virus and can transmit it to others, but you may not have the disease

Give the name of a disease caused by a virus?

AIDS, Common Cold, Hepatitis

Is hepatitis b an insect virus or bacteria?

Hepatitis B is an infectious disease caused by the Hepatitis B virus (HBV) of the Hepadnavirus family. It only has tropism for humans (only infects humans).

Is hepatitis A a virus or bacteria?

Hepatitis is inflammation in the liver caused by the virus hepatitis B.

Jaundice Is transmitted disease?

if its caused by hepatitis virus then it is like infection so it is transmitted,but if it is caused by liver failure then it is not transmitted

How are drug users at a greater risk for a disease that is caused by a virus such as hepatitis?

Drug users are more likely to catch viruses like hepatitis C or HIV. They often share needles. This way they pass these diseases to each other.

How are drug users at greater risk for a disease that is caused by a virus such as hepatitis?

Drug users are more likely to catch viruses like hepatitis C or HIV. They often share needles. This way they pass these diseases to each other.

How are drug users at a greater risk for disease that is caused by a virus such as hepatitis?

Drug users are more likely to catch viruses like hepatitis C or HIV. They often share needles. This way they pass these diseases to each other.

Is hepatitis caused by a virus or bacteria?

It is a virus.