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Q: How are elderly abuse cases handle in Florida?
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Who can one call when one has witnessed cruelty toward a disabled person?

In cases of elder abuse most states have elder abuse and neglect hotlines when there is doubt or suspicion that an elderly person is being mistreated. Another option is to call the local police station and report the abuse.

How common is child abuse in the US?

Mostly yes.. but the government is finding out a solution thanks for asking!

How many animals were abused in 2009 in Florida?

There were exactly 68 cases of convicted felons in Florida that were convicted for crimes relating to animal abuse, for each of those people that were convicted each case involved several animals, upwards of 10 each on average(putting the amount of animals at 680 approx.). But most cases of animal abuse go unreported, only about %2 of cases actually get handled. In this case that would mean that 3,400 people were responsible for some form of animal abuse in Florida, which means 34,000 animals approximately. Which is an estimated 95 animals per day that are abused or killed in Florida. These approximations do not however include the abuse that takes place in pet stores, testing facilities, zoos, and to homeless animals.

Are cases of elder abuse reported by doctors?

Only 1 of every 13 cases of elder abuse are reported by physicians

What are the useful details contained in official reports of cases of abuse?

what are the five useful details contained in official reports of cases of abuse

What cases handle by regional trial court?

The cases are the local cases

False accusation by a caregiver of elderly abuse by another caregiver?

Elderly abuse is on the rise and even in some cases in some nursing homes or in the elderly person's home or if they are staying with one of their children. One must prove that the accused caregiver is actually abusing the elderly person. Some people use video cameras if they have hired a caregiver to come in an look after an elderly parent and in some cases children of the elderly who have a parent in a nursing home and suspected abuse have used video taping to catch the nurses involved actually abusing their parent. This is more common than some people realize, but there are good nursing homes. Taking care of the elderly is a daunting deed and some elderly people (due to no fault of their own) can be become stubborn such as not wanting to eat; not taking their medications; going to therapy; going to the doctors, etc. This can make an untrained caregiver very frustrated and if it continues for a long period of time there is more risk that the untrained caregiver may abuse of an elderly parent. The best one can do is to work on finding a safe place such as a nursing home or a trained caregiver to take over this difficult task of meeting the elderly person's needs. The elderly often have one or more health issues and they can be childlike in manner and many have Alzheimer's and cannot help themselves and are not responsible for what they say or do, so, to abuse the elderly is just as disgusting as abusing a child. If one can not prove the elderly is abused and if it is their parent or a relatives parents or even a friends parent then it is a good idea to discuss with the caregiver of their parent that it is time to get in a professional caregiver or their parent needs to be in a nursing home. If a caregiver is falsely accused then they can set up their own video camera so their duties will be monitored. One has to prove that caregiver has abused that elderly person. It would also be wise to seek legal counsel.

How often is Elder abuse physical?

1 in 7 cases involve physical abuse

Who is responsible for animal cruelty?

Most cases of animal abuse are simply neglect of the poor animal, someone thought they could handle it and then decided they couldn't too late. Another one is animal testing.

What US state has the most reported cases of child abuse?

According to a report by the Every Child Matters Education Fund, Kentucky has the highest child abuse death rate with more than 4 deaths per 100,000 children yearly and 41 deaths in 2007. Other states with high child abuse death rates include South Dakota, Florida, Nebraska and Missouri. Every year 3 million child abuse cases are reported in the United States.

Are there attorneys that only handle medical malpractice cases?

"Yes, There are attorneys that only handle medical malpractice cases. There are also attorneys that handle medical negligence cases. Since there are many cases of medical malpractice, there are many attorneys available in all states."

How many child abuse cases are there in California?
