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Not quite sure what you mean; let's just say that living systems don't require any extraordinary efforts to conserve energy and mass, because that's what they do naturally, i.e., "be conserved". There is no known way to violate conservation of energy or mass.

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Q: How are energy and mass conserved by living systems?
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What is conserved in physical changes?

Mass and energy

How is energy conserved with nuclear fission?

Energy is always conserved. You can neither create nor destroy energy. The same goes for mass. They can only be moved from one frame of reference to another. Fission has nothing to do with it. Ditto for fusion.One area of "confusion" for many people is Einstein's mass-energy equivalence equation e = mc2. Some people think it means that mass can be converted to energy and vice versa. Nope. Not even close. Mass is energy, and energy is mass. Think about that.

In what way does the big bang theory conform with the law of conservation of matter?

It doesn't. In General Relativity, energy (and therefore mass) is NOT conserved - and the Universe on a large scale is described, to a great extent, by General Relativity. The reason energy is not conserved is simply that the conditions for Nöther's Theorem are not fulfilled, due to the expansion of the Universe.Note that under ordinary, everyday circumstances, the conditions for Nöther's Theorem ARE fulfilled, and energy (and therefore mass) IS conserved.

How does the law of conservation of energy imply to an energy transfer?

Total amount of energy and mass in process must be conserved it may change to another type of energy but can not just disappear.

In a nuclear fusion reaction mass is transformed into?

It is often stated that mass is transformed to energy. This is wrong, since both mass and energy are conserved in a chemical reaction - or in a nuclear reaction. The Wikipedia article on "binding energy" clarifies this.

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Which is not conserved mass acceleration energy momentum?

Acceleration is not conserved. Energy can not be created nor destroyed. Mass and momentum are both conserved through a set time.

How can energy be conserved from a nuclear weapon?

A tiny bit of the mass of each fissioned (or fused) atom is converted to energy. Energy is not conserver... Mass-Energy is conserved.

What is conserved when one balances a chemical equation?

Mass (Matter) and Energy is conserved during a Chemical equation

How living systems follow the law of conservation of mass and energy?

EXACTLY that same as non-living systems.

When did albert Einstein invent e equals mc2?

In the beginning of the 20th century. He proposed mass-energy equivalence in 1905, and set out to mathematically express this. E = mc2 shows that energy can be converted into mass, and mass into energy. Thus, we no longer say that mass is conserved, or energy is conserved. But rather, we say that mass-energy is conserved.

Is energy conserved in a nuclear reaction?

Yes. Basically, energy is ALWAYS conserved. The popular saying, that in a nuclear reaction mass is converted to energy, is plainly wrong, since both mass and energy are conserved. Read about "mass deficit", for example in the Wikipedia, for more details.

Is energy is conserved when an atom emits a photon of light?

Energy is ALWAYS conserved. The appropriate sum of mass and energy is always conserved. If an atom emits a photon, the atom has less energy/mass, and the universe minus that atom has more energy/mass. It's like carrying some energy from here to there.

In a nuclear reaction WHAT does not have to be conserved?

While overall ENERGY has to be conserved, MASS does not. In a nuclear reaction mass can be converted into energy so the mass of the products may be less than the mass of the reactants. The difference in mass is converted into energy as Einstein's equation describes (E=MC squared). In a chemical reaction MASS has to be conserved.

What is conserved in physical changes?

Mass and energy

What is the exception for conservation of energy?

Energy isn't conserved in a process where there's a trade between mass and energy according to E = m c2 . When both mass and energy are tallied, the total is conserved.

Why law of conservation of mass should better be called as law of conservation of mass and energy?

Because energy can be converted into mass and vice versa. Thus, while the mass of a system is not conserved in a particular process, the mass and energy of a closed system is always conserved.

Is energy always conserved in the universe?

No - However, energy and mass are conserved. This is dictated by Einstein's most famous equation: ∆E=∆mc2