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Q: How are fossils of extinct organisms included in branching diagrams?
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What is a branching tree?

either one of these...a diagram showing how scientists think different groups of organisms are related.b.A branching tree is a diagram that shows how scientists think different groups of organisms are related. It is a metaphor used to describe the relationships between organisms, both living and extinct. Its use dates back to at least the early 1800s.

The death of all the organisms of a species?

Extinct (Extinction)

How are extinct organisms related to other extinct organisms as well as living organisms?

By the way they look, (their bone structure, body weight) and DNA too.

Why do organisms need to make new organisms?

so it does not get extinct

What are examples of extinct organisms?

the dodo :}

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Is the biological species concept is useful only for extinct organisms?

No, biological species concept is NOT useful for extinct organisms at all, nor organisms that reproduce asexually; it is only useful for organisms that produce sexually.

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Where would coelacanths be located on a branching tree?

A coelacanth is not part of a branching tree but a crossopterygian fish. As one time, it was thought the species was extinct until they found it off the coast of Africa in 1938.

The observation that organisms arise in locations where similar extinct organisms lived is referred to as what?


Where would coelacanths be located on a branching tree diagrama.Closest to modern fishc.Closest to extinct fossil fishb.Closest to crocodilesd.Closest to modern worms?
