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How are they the same?

The bones in a frog are inside of its body and humans are the same way.

How are they different?

They are different because their fingers and toes are webbed.

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Frogs have smaller bones then humans.

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frog's legs are hollow for gas exchange

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Q: How are frog bones different than human bones?
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Chicken bones are not stronger than the human bones because they are hollow.

What is the difference between a human bone and a chicken bone?

The frog skeletal system is used for locomotion and maintaining posture and structure. The human skeletal system is used for locomotion, posture, blood cell production, circulation, and several other things. Frogs also only have Ribs and Urostyle which is fused with the bottom of your vertebrae and spine.Other than being smaller, the frog skeleton also features differently shaped bones to help with their jumping and swimming actions.they are smaller than human skeletons and WAY more dellacate

Are frog bones soft?

There is no scientific evidence to prove a frog's bones are any softer than the bones from other amphibians. Frogs have solid bones and soft tissue like any other creature.

What is the differents between human and frog blood?

A human's blood quality is better because it has more heart chambers than a frog does. A frog has 3 chambers and a human has 4

What is the difference between frog and human blood quality?

A human's blood quality is better because it has more heart chambers than a frog does. A frog has 3 chambers and a human has 4

Why are there very few frog fossils?

frogs have very soft bones that are destroyed easilyMost frogs are very small and have thin, weak bones. Small, weak bones fossilize much less often than large, thick bones, hence frog fossils are rare.

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Is there another word for skeleton?

If you mean a human skeleton, than use "bones" or "bag of bones." Other meanings have different synonyms like "framework," "outline" or "minimum."

What are similarities between the human blood smear and the frog blood smear under microscope?

Numerous differences can be seen between frog blood and human blood. Perhaps the most obvious is the oval shape of the frog erythrocytes rather than the biconcave discs of human blood. Moreover, the frog erythrocytes have a nucleus (here stained blue) whilst human erythrocytes do not. There is less difference in size between the erythrocytes and leucocytes than in human blood. There are no platelets in frog blood.

Does a horse have more bones than a person?

No, on average, a human has more bones than a horse. An adult human has around 206 bones, while an adult horse typically has around 205 bones.

What percentage of a human's bones are in its feet?

An adult human body has 206 bones. Each foot has 26 bones. That's slightly more than 25%.