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They are different in that they both dont eat the same thing , giraffes eat up to 75 pounds worth in leaves , and anteaters eat ants !

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Q: How are giraffes and anteaters different?
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Which tongue is longer a Giraffes or an Anteaters?

An anteater's tongue is longer. An anteater's tongue is 24 inches and a giraffes is 18 inches.

Is a cow always a girl?

Yes, cow only refers to the female adult of several animals including cattle, elephants, alligators and crocodiles, anteaters, dolphins, hippopotami and giraffes.

Is it true that tigers eat giraffes?

They don't. In the wild, Tigers and Giraffes live on different continents. They never meet.

Where are giraffes eyes?

On different sides of head

Do tigers kill baby giraffes?

No. In the wild, Tigers and Giraffes live on different continents. They never meet.

Are anteaters a invertebrate?

No, anteaters are vertebrates.

What is the color of the anteater?

Anteaters are usually brown or grey in color. Only 3 different types of anteaters are still in existence. They are the silky anteater, the giant anteater, and the southern tamandua.

Can giraffes have small necks?

No, giraffes are all long necked. If an animal has a short neck, it is a different species of animal.

Why do anteaters have eyes when they are blind?

anteaters are blind

What does anteaters?

Anteaters eat Ants and termites

What is the collective noun of anteaters?

There is not specific collective noun for anteaters, most likely because anteaters are solitary animals. However, if you need a word for a group of anteaters, a noun suitable for the context is used, for example a pair of anteaters, a family of anteaters, etc.

How is the circulatory system of a human and a giraffes circulatory system different?

A giraffes neck is much longer, blood must travel further