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Because goats are tough creatures. Cute too.

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Q: How can goats eat blackberry vines without cutting their mouths or stomachs?
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How are goats able to eat thorn bushes without cutting their mouths?

Goats can eat thorn bushes without cutting up their mouths because they have very tough mouths. They are known for eating prickly plants, thorns, and even metal.

What pipeline gets food to our stomachs?

The "pipeline" that connects our mouths to our stomachs is called the esophagus.

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You have to slide it into there mouths without it touching the fly trap.

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No. If they didn't open and close their mouths, water couldn't flow through their body, and then out their gills. Thus, they wouldn't survive.

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No. Do not give a dog baby back rib bones they can splinter in their mouths or stomachs and can hurt the animal in some cases the animal can die from injury caused by splitting bones.

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is it possible to have three mouths

Do dogs have tastebuds?

Yes they do, but in their stomachs, not their mouths. Dogs eat something because it smells yummy, if when it gets to their stomachs they then decide that it tastes foul they'll throw it back up again.

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Mouth or Head because they can't bite with out mouths or move without heads. WOW I answered my question.

Is this the right way that you spell mouths?

Yes it is. Mouths.

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