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The head must be facing Mecca . You must say bissmilahi rahmanir rahim before you start. You must cut it half way on the neck saying allah huakbar. For every cut. The animal must bleed to death. The animal must be away from other animals so they can't hear or see the slaughter. Hope this helps!

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10y ago

Cut the life-vein of the animal or bird close by the head and recite: Allah is Great,Allah is Great, I slaughter it in the name of Allah. Don't cut off the head from the body till the animal/bird becomes lifeless and still..

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9y ago

You read Bismillah-hir-Rahman-ar-Rahim(Translation: In the name of Allah,the most compassionate,most merciful).Then you slaughter it with a sharp knife on its throat till the bone and then let it bleed for few minutes.This method ensures that that the animal goes the least amount of pain because after the blood leaves the brain,no pain felt.The animal should not be stunned or electrocuted before slaughtering.

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14y ago

Halal is Muslim, while kosher is Jewish.

Both faiths can eat cows, but only the upper part.

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12y ago

First the animal itself should be allowed for Muslims to eat. second, it should be slaughtered by a very sharp knife after saying Besmellah (In the name of Allah) Allahuakbar.

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Any animal slaughtered following the dhabihah method is considered halal. Also, fish and seafood are automatically considered halal.

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When it comes to meat, it depends on how the animal was slaughtered. So if the marmot was slaughtered according to Islamic dietary law (Zabihah) then it would be considered Halal or a permitted food.

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I think you mean "Halal".In Arabic, the word halal means permitted or lawful. Halal foods are foods that are allowed under Islamic dietary guidelines. According to these guidelines gathered from the Qu'ran, Muslim followers cannot consume the following:pork or pork by productsanimals that were dead prior to slaughteringanimals not slaughtered properly or not slaughtered in the name of Allahblood and blood by productsalcoholcarnivorous animalsbirds of preyland animals without external earsgoogle the word Halal and you will find more about it :)

What is slaughtered by Islam requirements mean?

stabbed in the neck with a ritual knife (Halal)

Is chicken stock HALAL?

Of course it is. Halal means lawful in Arabic and refers to foods that are allowed to the Muslim consumer when used in this context. Non-halal foods include pork of any kind, meat of carnivorestic land animals, and carrion. All things from the sea are halal. There is another class of meat that is called Zabiha, meaning slaughtered in a ritualistic manor. Anything made with Zabiha is halal.

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Beef is generally halal (permitted). Very strict Muslims might want the beef to be prepared by an halal butcher._________________________________________________________Beef is generally halal (permitted) if made from licit meat (for example not made from pork). Muslims usually want beef to be prepared by licitly slaughtered animals.

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I buy Davis Gelatine where there there is written "This Gelatine is purely extracted from Halal slaughtered beef." Therefore, it's HALAL.

Can Muslims eat land animals without external ears?

If they have to abide by the Halal eating rules, then yes. Anything mentioned in the below list is NOT halal.pork or pork by productsanimals that were dead prior to slaughteringanimals not slaughtered properly or not slaughtered in the name of Allahblood and blood by productsalcoholcarnivorous animalsbirds of preyland animals without external ears

Is camel halal?

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