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Fats are harmful because they stick to you and make you look yuck and if you have it a lot your immune system gets very weak and you can get a lot of different diseases just because you couldn't control yourself and not eat so much fat.

Not all fats are terribly harmful, I think the worst fat is Trans fat but the next worst is probably saturated fat. One fat that is VERY good for you, but is harder to get is Omega 3, this fat can lower you LDL cholesterol and raise your HDL cholesterol.

I think the main thing about fat is just that people need to be wise about what they eat.

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Q: How are healthy fats beneficial to the body?
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There are a number of effects of polyunsaturated fats to the body. Some of them are beneficial like helping the reduction of bad cholesterol level and providing the body with essential fats.

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No, butter is a type of fats which is healthy to the body but if you ate a ;lot it may cause obesity , fats are healthy in such a way when carbohydrates are not found,your body uses fats. Hope i helped!!!!!

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Avocado. It is rich in healthy monounsaturated fats.