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It is passed as a chemical stimulant discharge from the one end of neuron to the other dentrite of the other neuron.

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Q: How are impulses passed through synapes?
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Is the endocrine system controls the body through nerve impulses?

The nervous system controls the body through nerve impulses. The endocrine system controls the body through hormones.

Most nerve impulses from our senses are routed through the?

Answer this question… Most nerve impulses from our senses are routed through the? thalamus. apex

How are nerve impulses initiated and transmitted?

Nerve impulses are initiated and transmitted according to nerve reactions and messages that get passed along or transmitted along nerve synapses and zones.

Which nerve fiber do impulses travel slowly?

Impulses travel more slowly through unmyelinated nerve fiber.

What part of the brain routes nerve impulses from your senses?

Most nerve impulses from our senses are routed through the: Thalamus-

Do sensory impulses enter through the ventral roots?

Motor impulses? Those occur in engines. If you are talking about the spinal cord then you mean motojoto impulses. They enter through the ventral roots. First theories on motojoto impuses were by Akari Motojoto, a Japanese scientist.

The process by which neural impulses are transmitted through the nervous system is best described as?

The process by which neural impulses are transmitted through the nervous system is best described as electric impulses. Any damage to a nerve in the system will cause a breakdown in communication between nerve ending and the brain.

Taste and smell impulses transmit through which of the nerves?

Sensory nerves

Where visual images are perceived?

In the primary visual cortex. Information passes from the retina to the bipolar cells, these impulses travel through the optic nerve, which is made up of the axons of ganglion cells, and extend to several regions of the brain including the thalamus. The impulses are then sent further along neurones, to the primary visual cortex, where further processing of the information occurs.