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Q: How are insoluble triacylglycerols transported to the tissues?
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Related questions

Why are triacylglycerols packaged into lipoproteins with cholesterol phospholipids and apolipoproteins for transportation in plasma?

Triacylglycerols are packaged into lipoproteins as they are too large and hydrophobic to be transported in plasma.

What are lipid carriers?

lipids being insoluble in water are transported in the body in the form of lipoproteins. These lipoproteins transport lipids from the intestine and the liver to the locations where the are oxidized or to adipose tissues where they are stored.

What is unesterified fatty acid?

Free fatty acids which occur in plasma as a result of lipolysis in adipose tissue or when plasma triacylglycerols are taken into tissues.

What molecules carry cholesterol through the blood stream?

Cholesterols, as well as exogenous (from diet) triacylglycerols, are transported, from the intestines to the tissues through the blood stream, by lipoproteins called chylomicrons, globular micellelike particles that consist of a nonpolar core of triacylglycerols and cholesteryl esters surrounded by an amphiphilic coating protein, phospholipid, and cholsterol.

Why are vascular tissues called conducting tissues?

Because water, minerals and prepared food materials are conducted (transported) through these tissues.

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A tissues transport water and sugar in plant is?

Water is transported through xylem. Sugars are transported though phloem.

What lipids is used for energy storage-glycolipids glycerophospholipids csphingolipids triacylglycerols spingophospholipids?


How is most carbon dioxide transported from tissues to the lungs?

Bicarbonate Ions

Which is the enzyme tha hydrolyzes triacylglycerols?

Lipase is the enzyme that hydrolyzes lipids.

Does vldl carries triacylglycerols from intestine to the fat cells?

No, carries triacylglycerols from the intestine to the fat cells not VLDL.

What are vascular tissue in plants?

The vascular tissues in plants are composed of Xylem and Phloem. These tissues allow nutrients and water to be transported in the other parts of the plant.