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Ionic columns were used in many famous Greek buildings.

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Q: How are ionic columns related to Greek Mythology?
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Related questions

What is the slim and graceful Greek columns called?

Slim and graceful columns are most known as Ionic columns.

What effect did greek mythology have on art and architecture?

Two tone prints are still made today, also masks, mosaics, different columns (ionic, doric, corrinthian.

What kind of columns does the white house have?

Greek Ionic.

What are the three styles of Greek columes?

The three styles of Greek columns are Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian.

Does the White House use ancient greek columns?

Yes, you can look in google images and see ionic columns.

What are the names of the three Parthenon columns?

The three main columns of the Parthenon are the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian columns. They represent different styles of ancient Greek architecture.

What are three types of columns the Greek used in Their buildings?

Doric, Ionic, Corinthian (all Greek) and Tuscan (from ancient Rome).

What feature of Greek buildings is still found today in architecture?

Doric, Corinthian and Ionic columns.

What are the different types of columns?

Major types of Absorption columns are liquid-liquid absorption columns, Gas-liquid absorption columns.

What style is doric and ionic?

the doric and ionic are greek. Those are two of the three styles of columns (support pillars) found in classical ancient Greek architecture. The third one is "Corinthian".

Where were the three types of Greek columns used?

The three types of Greek columns are Doric, Ionic and Corinthian. 1. Dorian represents man or male 2. Ionic represents woman or female 3. Corinthian represents the young maiden

How often did ancient Romans use Greek columns?

The Romans adopted the Greek orders Styles) for making columns (Doric, Ionic and Corinthian) but also developed the composite style, which combined aspects of two reorders. They used columns for the temples and for porticoes.