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Q: How are leaders of the government selected?
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How are leaders selected in China?

The same way the American Government is selected they vote

Are leaders selected in China?

The same way the American Government is selected they vote

Who selects leaders in a that has a mayor council government?

they are selected by the senators

How are the United Kingdom's leaders selected?

Leaders are selected by popular vote.

How are the leaders of North Korea selected?

leaders are selected by hereditary dicatorship

How are the leaders Oman selected?

Any leaders are selected by the Sultan or his Wali.

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How are Madagascar leader selected

What must a government do in order to be considered a democracy?

Answer this question… Leaders must be selected by the citizens rather than inheriting power.

How are leaders selected in Cuba?

they are selected by illict in the bill of rights

How are the leaders in Oman selected?

The leaders are born into the Said family.

How leaders is selected in Islam?

Leaders are selected by the Muslims within the Mosque because one person has the most knowledge on the Qur'an

What is a sentence with the words democracy and democratic?

In a democracy leaders are selected by democratic vote. Democratic vote is how leaders are selected in a democracy.