

How are ligers different to other animals?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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They are different from other animals because they are a hybrid. They are a cross between tigers and lions, bred by human means. There are no other cat hybrids in the world.

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Q: How are ligers different to other animals?
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Do ligers eat other ligers?

yes ligers do

What kind of animals did the pilgrims have?

Ligers and heffalumps

How many different types of ligers are there?

250000 thousand type of ligers

Why do Ligers live in special zoos?

Because they are a crossbreed of two different animals and for some weird reason can not reproduce so there is your answer

Do ligers eat other animals babies?

There are no ligers in the wild. They are all in zoos and private collections. As such, they eat whatever their keepers give to them. Which makes "animal babies" unlikely to be a big part of their diet.

What is a natural enemy of a liger?

Ligers are hybrids, a cross of two animals that wouldn't/can't breed in nature as they come from different continents. Ligers are not a naturally occurring animal, and if they aren't naturally occurring, they can't have any natural enemies.

Are there different kinds of Ligers?

yes there are

Are ligers social animals?

yes there social like lions

Why is a liger not a new species?

Ligers are not recognized as a specie since they aren't naturally occuring. They are hybrids, created by humans when two animals that would never encounter each other naturally are tricked to breed with each other. And since they're usually sterile - ligers can't make new ligers - they can't form an own specie

What are ligers young?

Since male ligers are sterile, there usually aren't any. If there were, they'd be cubs, just like the young of the original animals.

How many ligers are there?

It is unknown how many ligers exist today. These animals only occur in captivity and estimates range from between 10 and 100.

Are the ligers the biggest land animals?

Yes, they are in a way it is 900 pounds