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Q: How are meridians drawn on a Polar Projection?
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What projection meridians straightened out called?

i don’t know

Meridians are lines of?

Meridians are lines of longitude that are drawn from the North to South poles.

How many meridians can be drawn on the globe at 5 degree interval?

72 number of meridians can be drawn on the globe at 5 degree interval

What are the positives and negatives of a polar projection map and the Peters projection Map?

in a polar projection you can the northern hemisphere, a mercador projection where you can see stretched out land.

How do meridians that appear on a cylindrical projection differ from meridians on a globe?

they appear as straight lines.i needed help w this (?] too shoooot.aha,

Is a polar projection an example of a azimuthal projection?


Where is the equator in a polar projection?

A polar projection of the earth shows a pole (north or south, depending on the projection) at the center of a circular map. The equator is the circumference of the circle.

How are the meridians on the map different from the meridians on a globe?

Meridians on a globe get closer and eventually merge at the North and South Poles. On a map (a flat plane) the meridians are drawn parallel and there is distortion at the poles, most noticeable on a world map.

What kind of map does a polar projection map show?

Polar Area

What is the polar projection map?

Polar projections are often made in what is called the Azimuthal Equidistant Projection. The projection would be made tangent at the north pole, or at the south pole. These projections allow you to make linear measurements from the pole to any point on earth. These measurements are the shortest distances from the pole to the points and can be directly compared to one another. A polar projection shows the poles; I learned it in my science class.

What is parallel in geography?

It is a circle drawn around the globe parallel to the equator and at right angles to the meridians.

What is advantages of polar projection map?

you can see from the top