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Q: How are mid ocean riges similar to volcanoes?
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What types of volcanoes form at mid-ocean ridges?

Rift volcanoes.

How are mid-ocean ridges and seamount relates to volcanoes?

Mid-ocean ridges and seamount relates to volcanoes by both having lava and it also comes out and cools

Why can volcanoes be constructive and a destructive?

Volcanoes can be constructive when they form islands and mid-ocean ridges

What erupts through the middle of the mid ocean ridge?


Why are the volcanoes on the ring of fire?

Because of the mid ocean ridge

How is a hot spot similar from a subduction zone?

Most volcanoes that cannot be ascribed either to a subduction zone or to a seafloor spreading at mid-ocean ridges are attributed to hot spots.

What boundaries that are least likely to have active volcanoes?

mid-ocean ridge

Do volcanoes form along mid ocean ridges where two plates move together?

Volcanoes that form along a mid-ocean ridge are called volcanic islands. These volcanoes occur when the plates move apart to produce gaps which molten lava rises to fill.

What caused the mid ocean ridge?

What caused the mid ocean ridge is the mid-ocean ridges are a continuous chain of underwater volcanoes more than 65,000 km long that extend through all the ocean basins.

Do most of the volcanoes of the mid-ocean ridge rise above the oceans surface?

False, Iceland is the only place in the world that a mid-ocean ridge, or a volcano from a mid-ocean ridge become subaerial.

Do volcanoes that form at mid-ocean ridgeoccur at a diverging plate boundary?

A mid ocean ridge is a diverging plate boundary so the simple answer is yes.

What creates a divergent boundary?

Mid-Ocean ridge, rifts, volcanoes, and valleys.